Yoga 4 Change was founded in Jacksonville, FL in 2014 with a mission to achieve lasting, demonstrative change for veterans, individuals who are experiencing incarceration, youth, and people living with mental health conditions through a purpose-driven yoga curriculum. Yoga 4 Change offers evidence-based physical and mental health resources to individuals across the state of Florida in Northeast Florida, South Florida, Tampa Bay and Central Florida. They work in partnership with facilities such as recovery centers, schools, carceral facilities, the court system, behavioral health facilities and detox centers. Historical data self-reported by participants proves that after one Yoga 4 Change class, individuals feel a significant decrease in stress and physical pain and an improvement in mood. Yoga works!
2022 Projects: Our current organizational goal is to increase our ‘Facility Sponsorship’. Many of the facilities we partner with are under strict budgets and/or do not have much funding for external programs. We work with these facilities through grants, and a sliding scale payment structure, to make sure their clients can attain the physical and mental health resources allotted through the yoga practice.
To Learn More About Y4C, click to visit their website